This color space is the most widely recognized and will ensure your photo’s colors look the same across multiple displays. Now make sure your quality slider is set to 100 for the best export quality.Īs for the Color Space option, make sure this is set to sRGB (Standard Red Green Blue). Clicking on the drop-down arrow, select JPEG from the list of file types. Inside this panel, you’ll notice an Image Format option. In the many panels of the export window, look for the File Settings panel. This same process would apply for TIFF, DNG, PSD, and more. In this case, the file is a RAW file therefore, I will be converting RAW into JPEG. Your starting image format will be the same file type that’s already imported into Lightroom. Going up to your menu bar, select File > Export to bring up the export dialogue box. Instead, you need to export your file to a new location where it will be converted. There is no way to convert your files entirely inside the program. To convert a RAW file to JPEG, you actually have to export your image from Lightroom. If you want to select multiple files at once, hold the Command or Control key and click between your desired images. You can tell that an image is selected based on the highlight around it.
In this example, I will select a RAW File from the Library Module.